Ä [44] IN*TOUCH LIBERTARIAN (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ALT.POLITICS.LIBERTARIAN Ä Msg : #5167 [177] From : Vernon R Imrich 1:2613/335 Fri 11 Feb 94 19:35 To : All Subj : Term Limits and Ballot Access ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From: vimrich@athena.mit.edu (Vernon R Imrich) Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology We may be in a no lose situation with this WA case. This is the case where WA tried to impose term limits by preventing X term incumbents from gaining ballot status. Here is an AP excerpt with my emphasis: ------------- SEATTLE (AP) -- A federal judge struck down parts of a state law limiting the number of times U.S. senators and representatives can get their names on the ballot for re-election. The ruling Thursday is the first by a federal judge to address the movement among states to impose term limits. U.S. District Judge William Dwyer said the Washington state law is unconstitutional and violates protections for freedom of political association and expression. He said the U.S. Constitution bars states from imposing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ qualifications on congressional candidates other than minimum age, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ citizenship and state residency. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The law ``hobbles a few runners to make sure they lose,'' Dwyer wrote. ``A state may not constitutionally do that, just as it may not bar qualified runners from the track.'' ... Dwyer's decision likely will be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where a decision would affect term-limit laws in 14 other states. ------------- Does anyone at the LP or related Legal Organizations have people on this? Seems to me we may be able to get a victory either way at the Supreme Court level. That is, they must either allow this kind of term limitation, or they must strike down all ballot access restrictions based on political party affiliation (among others)! Someone should get a friend of the court brief in fast. We want to be on top of this when the S.C. rules on this. Particularly, we need to challenge ballot access laws that are not based on the age, citizenship or state residency of the candidate. Hello... any lawers out there? This may be a GOLDEN opportunity!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Vernon Imrich |*. . .. . . . ** . .* ' . . '. . . | | MIT OE, Rm 5-329b | You've just crossed over into; . * . ..| | Cambridge, MA 02139 | . .* . THE . .. . . .* . . * | | | . . .. . T W I L I G H T . .. . . .* | | 617-253-3910 |: . * ' .. .* . . Z O N E . . .* . | --------------------------------------------------------------------